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Season Registration:

Age Group Determination is based on how old the athlete will be on August 1st of the upcoming Junior Olympics Year. 

In order to participate with Newport Beach Water Polo, all athletes must be current members with USA Water Polo.

New to water polo? Come try us out! All athletes must be registered and if after 3 practice days the athlete realizes it is not for them, the registration fee will be refunded.

Sibling Discounts: please register all family athletes at once to receive the sibling discount. $25 for each additional sibling. 

Early Registration Discount: register on or before the 1st day of the season to receive a $15 discount.

Payment Plans: Option to pay in full or in 3 installments. Options are given at time of check out.

Tournament Registration

Once you see that your athlete is rostered for a tournament, take a moment to register.  Rosters can be found on the website calendar and team pages.

Early Registration Discount: register before the FIRST day of the tournament to receive a $15 discount.

Winter Season

Tournament Registration

Fall Season Scrimmage, League, and Tournament Registration Link